Bob Black
We are sad to lose Bob. In only a short time as a member, he developed skills to breed our dark bee, took James' previous seat on the Board of the B4 Project to represent us and provided a centre for meetings and storage of our equipment as well as assisting beekeepers to learn the skills of queen rearing. His Facebook page will show how vesatile Bob was with his many active interests, past and present. He died in July after complications that stemmed from his Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis following 2 bouts of pneumania and COVID-19. An article in the Independent gives some snippets of his career.
birthday present
Rodger kindly gave me a vist to a mating apiary for my 87th birthday. The bees were quiet and cohesive on opening, dark and beautiful to behold after a few years of retirement from keeping bees. We examined all Apidea mating nucs, split one strong local hybrid colony into 3 and gave them new queens. The old queen went into a mini-nuc to produce more bees and the others were united to add one storey to each. I saw the new feed he was using for bee health and was updated on the worse disease situation we have to deal with and the worsening effect of global warming as our seasonal expectations have to be seriously adapted to the creeping changes. Thankyou Rodger.